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发表于 2014-10-16 11:43:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    1.Flames Asian Basketball Club
迈大2014八校篮球赛(MU 2014 Basketball Tournament)即将在Miami University, Withrow Court拉开帷幕。来自八所美国大学的八支强队将在美丽的迈大展开激烈角逐。
印第安纳大学第一支华人球队FLAMES接受迈大邀请代表 Indiana University Bloomington与 Bowling Green State University, Case Western Reserve University, Michigan State University, Ohio State University, Ohio University, University of Cincinnati 以及东道主 Miami University切磋球技,一决高下。
视觉盛宴 就在今年10月11日-12日。This is your basketball; this is your battlefield.
    2. Kappa Gamma Delta – Asian Interests Sorority
一年一度,由KGD 主办的Date Auction又将于10.25  6-8pm再次开拍!本次Date Auction又将会有不一样的20位美女帅哥们将展示个人才艺,并拍卖和自己约会的机会。拍卖所得的所有善款,都会捐献给Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation, 来帮助那些需要支持的人们!
现在Auctionees正在招募中,无论是你是想要一个展示个人的舞台,还是想要为慈善出自己的一份力,亦或是想要寻找真爱! 我们都欢迎你的报名,报名请emaillidanj@indiana.edu 留下你的姓名,电话,才艺,以及个人照片一张。KGD一位sisters在此感谢大家的付出!

    3. Homecoming Week
在上学期的LITTLE 5还没有玩尽兴?本学期有一个令所有Hoosiers疯狂的Homecoming week就在下周!
Homecoming is the perfect time to reconnect with old friends and rediscover your beloved IU.
IU Homecoming 2014 is Oct. 16-18, culminating with the Hoosiers’ football game vs. Michigan State on Saturday. This year's homecoming is sure to be memorable.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014   Nearly Naked Mile 2014 Homecoming Event
Hey students: the 7th annual Nearly Naked Mile consists of a mile run around the Bloomington campus which begins in Dunn Meadow, moves through the Old Crescent and ends at the Sample gates.

Thursday, October 16, 2014     Support shopping in Bloomington day
On Thursday, October 16, make sure to visit various downtown Bloomington businesses that are offering Homecoming discounts.

Friday, October 17, 2014    2014 Homecoming Parade & Pep Rally
Grab a spot along Kirkwood Ave., Indiana Ave., or in Dunn Meadow for the best view as local organizations, businesses, and student groups show their Hoosier spirit!
Friday, October 17, 2014     Special Homecoming Performance: Jay Leno at IU Auditorium
The king of late night Jay Leno returns to the stage with a special Homecoming weekend performance at IU Auditorium, sponsored by the IU Alumni Association.
更多详情: http://alumni.indiana.edu/together/homecoming/
在其中考试即将拉下帷幕的这周,一定有一个活动能够让你满血复活,体会IU Spirit

    3. 5K Color Run
想要报名Color Run的不要忘记,本周日是报名截止日期!




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