2. 中国书法社
The topic of this workshop is taste of Yunnan - a province of China. We will introduce attractions, background and food of Yunnan. Also, we will provide a delicious dish - stewed beef for you to taste and experience. Moreover, there are mentors to teach calligraphy and the basic stroke to learn is horizontal- break -hook. All levels welcome, no language barrier and all supplies are free to use.
Date: 10/17
Time: 3:00-5:00pm
Venue: Union Street C002 Cedar Hall
3. Asian Basketball League
亚洲篮球联盟是Indiana University Bloomington官方的亚洲篮球联盟组织。
ABL由八只来自亚洲各地的队伍组成,其中包括来自中国大陆的 BlackJack,Monstar,TNB,Flames,Newbee,来自的香港的Banana,台湾的ThreeSmall三小队,还有来自韩国的Bullets。通过友好良性的竞争我们组织培养出了一只代表ABL的联盟球队Paragon,为我们出战来自各个大学包括我们自己举办的联赛。
Fall Break过去了,没有比赛的上周想必大家都度过了一个轻松愉快的周末!
Oct 18 (10月18日), Asian Basketball League的秋季常规赛将进行到第五场比赛
01:30PM (13:30)
Flames vs. Monstar
NewBee vs. TNB
02:30PM (14:30)
ThreeSmall vs. BlackJack
Banana vs. Bullets
ABL与你不见不散! 4. Kappa Gamma Delta----Date Auction
卖妹子啊!卖汉子!一年一度由KGD主办的Date Auction将于下周六(10/25)6:00-8:00pm在FINE ART 015再次开卖啦!这次Date Auction的Auctionees将是来自不同组织(Flames、X-Power、CSSA、DreamCrops、Premias、DSP等等)、不同国家的20位美女帅哥们。他们将在现场展示才艺,分享个人经历,并拍卖和自己约会的机会哦!所有的善款都会全部捐给Breast Cancer Research Foundation用于帮助那些需要的患者!现场除了个人Talent Show外,还会有X-Power以及D-Force带来的热舞!走过路过不要错过!做慈善就要大胆!快来拍下你的下一个约会对象吧!