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发表于 2016-3-15 21:06:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Newsletter: 3/10-3/23


1. Kelley School of Business

03/10 CPT/OPT Info Session
7:00 pm-8:00 pm
UCSO P100 Lunchroom
Description: Are you an international student looking for insight on the CPT and OPT work authorization process? We have the people who can help answer your questions! An Office of International Services adviser and a UCSO career coach will help you get familiar with the details of the CPT and OPT process.
Need RSVP (UCSO Website)

03/22 JPMorgan Chase & Co. - Corporate Development Program
11:00 am- 1:00 pm
Lobby outside HH109 / HH111
Description: JPMorgan Chase representatives will be on campus to educate students about internship opportunities available for Summer 2017 in the Operations Analyst Development Program.
Need RSVP (UCSO Website)


2. Department of Economics

03/10 The Macro Impact of Short-Termism
04:00 pm-05:30 pm
WY 005
Description: Macroeconomics workshop

03/11 Macro-prudential Policy and Optimal Debt Maturity for Emerging Economies
12:00 pm-01:30 pm
WY 329
Description: Macroeconomics Brown Bag

03/11 The Political Economy of Public Debt: A Laboratory Study
04:00 pm-05:30 pm
WY 005
Description: Microeconomics Workshop


3. School of Informatics and computing

03/10 Google Summer of Code Information Session
Lindley, Rm. 102
Description: In this info-share session, Suresh Marru will introduce students to the GSoC program and enumerate the benefits of open source contributions. In addition to opportunity for real-world open source experience and career building, GSoC pays students $5500 over the course of the program. The session will provide a broader context with concrete examples of how to write a good GSoC proposal. Suresh will particularly provide pointers to Apache Software Foundation projects and open source opportunities in contributing to challenging distributed systems problems while impacting scientific research.

03/10 Startup and Developer Industry Panel  
Info East, Rm. 150
Description: Join ICSA, and a panel of Startup Developers, to learn about career paths within the industry and get your burning questions answered! This is a great opportunity if you are just looking for more information and understanding about the industry, or if you are looking for someone to mentor you in your career development. Pizza will be provided if you RSVP.


4. College of Arts and Sciences

03/10 2016 Big Ten Conference Career Expo
Union Station - Downtown Indianapolis
Description: The Expo is open to both students and alumni from the 14 Big Ten schools seeking internships, permanent employment or recent college graduates looking to make a job change. Of participating employers, 83 percent at the last Expo indicated they would follow-up with and hire people they met.

03/22 Dipping Your Toe into Science Careers

Jordan Hall- Atrium
Description: Come explore volunteer and research opportunities in the sciences! Representatives from community organizations and campus research offices will be available to talk with you about opportunities that are right for you. Remember, volunteering and student research are the gateways to internships and a fulfilling career!

Yang Wan



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