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发表于 2014-10-16 11:44:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
IU生活小贴士第三期 - homecoming 特辑

1. Jill Behrman 5K Color Run
作为一个在屯子里的潮人怎么能错过难得一次的在世界各地都大名鼎鼎的color run。 穿上跑鞋,换上短裤和白色短袖,约上喜欢活波开朗的小伙伴,在屯子最美的季节亦是慢跑亦是快走,或许你会觉得这该是老年人的活动,那你就错了。在特设的三个color zone里,拿起手中的color pack,如同抽象派一般,在彼此的衣服上留下青春飞扬的绚丽色彩。现在想报名还为时不晚,在10月25日之前,只需要35刀,就能体验到如此有趣的活动。
报名链接以及详情咨询请点击 http://www.iurecsports.org/jbrez_reg_pg

2.FASE tailgate
所谓homecoming,就是要展示school spirit。而The Faculty and Staff for Student Excellence (FASE) 就给同学们提供了一个大好机会! 这周五(10月17日)在Cedar Hall Union Street Auditorium, 贴心的FASE将举行让你狠狠秀出school spirit 的homecoming tailgate, 届时不仅有免费的食物和游戏,还有麦霸们最喜欢的唱K活动。把你对IU的爱都大声的唱出来吧,趁着真正的冬天还没有到再疯狂一次。俗话说的好, “早起的鸟儿有虫吃”,前20名到的同学还有惊喜小礼品相赠。快快行动起来, 想参加的同学请在 https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HCZ5V89 by 10/15/2014 报名。是的,再不疯狂就冷了。

3. Homecoming Week
     在上学期的LITTLE 5还没有玩尽兴?本学期有一个令所有Hoosiers疯狂的Homecoming week就在下周!
Homecoming is the perfect time to reconnect with old friends and rediscover your beloved IU.  IU Homecoming 2014 is Oct. 16-18, culminating with the Hoosiers’ football game vs. Michigan State on Saturday. This year's homecoming is sure to be memorable.
       在此一周内,各种庆祝活动席卷IU,以下是其中几项活动的Highlight: Wednesday, October 15, 2014   Nearly Naked Mile 2014 Homecoming Event  Hey students: the 7th annual Nearly Naked Mile consists of a mile run around the Bloomington campus which begins in Dunn Meadow, moves through the Old Crescent and ends at the Sample gates.
Thursday, October 16, 2014     Support shopping in Bloomington day  On Thursday, October 16, make sure to visit various downtown Bloomington businesses that are offering Homecoming discounts.
Friday, October 17, 2014    2014 Homecoming Parade & Pep Rally  Grab a spot along Kirkwood Ave., Indiana Ave., or in Dunn Meadow for the best view as local organizations, businesses, and student groups show their Hoosier spirit! Friday, October 17, 2014     Special Homecoming Performance: Jay Leno at IU Auditorium  The king of late night Jay Leno returns to the stage with a special Homecoming weekend performance at IU Auditorium, sponsored by the IU Alumni Association.
更多详情: http://alumni.indiana.edu/together/homecoming/
在其中考试即将拉下帷幕的这周,一定有一个活动能够让你满血复活,体会IU Spirit!

3. Tiffany  Co.限量50名Fashion Mall巴士接送
趁着考完mid term的好心情,想拉着bestie去趟indy的fashion mall买两件抵御屯子瑟瑟寒风的衣服,或者去散散心过一下“逛吃逛吃”的悠闲生活,可是,天太冷路太远有没有车都是个问题。
不用怕,Free shuttle来啦!
10月25日,Tiffany & Co. 将为小伙伴们提供从campus到波利斯The Fashion Mall at Keystone 车接车送一条龙服务,不再怕寒风,不再怕迷路!无论你是想要去高大上的Tiffany转一圈,购买自己心仪的首饰,亦或是想搭个顺风车直驱Fashion Mall度过一个欢乐购物日,都不要错过Tiffany的免费大巴!
Shuttle将在25日10:30am到达Wells Library Rear Entrance (back door),5pm 从Fashion Mall 返回。
前50名会收到shuttle ticket confirmation确保有位。


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