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[2015]campus view apt on-campus apt 招校外妹子一枚 4或5月后入住

发表于 2015-2-15 11:43:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Looking for a laid-back OFF-campus girl to share an apt with another two girls starting this May.
Don't mind to sleep at spacious living room. There is a big bed and a big table. All furniture and utilities included. $328 a month. Be willing to move into one of the bedrooms when one girl moves out in the future.

Bus: E,6&9
3 minutes to SRSC
Feel free to ask for photos or come and visit! Thanks

QQ:2409130229(briefly say reasons when add me)


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-2-15 11:44:01 | 显示全部楼层
Additional information:
Looking for a laid-back OFF-campus Girl to share an apt with another two girls starting this May.
Don't mind to sleep at spacious living room right now temporarily and move in later when one girl leaves in the future(Probably this end of summer or fall). There is a big bed and a big table in the living room. All furniture and utilities included. $328 a month.
Bus: E,6&9
3 minutes to SRSC

What a great deal?!
Feel free to ask for photos or come and visit! Thanks
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