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【IUCSSA】共同创造历史的机会!Young Pioneer车队招经理啦!

发表于 2015-12-19 20:04:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


由华人组成的第一支崭新little 500自行车队Young Pioneer招募经理啦!Young Pioneer是一支朝气蓬勃并且极具潜力的自行车队。作为第一只全由中国人组成的自行车队,Young Pioneer也希望能够宣传中国文化,增进IU不同领域的中美交流。Young Pioneer特此发出公告贴,希望对自行车体育赛事有兴趣并且具有管理能力的同学,能够出任他们的自行车队经理,帮助他们对内组织和对外宣传,与他们共同进步!具体要求如下:

The Young Pioneer is a very new team in little 500 racing. We are a high potential team and with no doubt, we are going to become one of the top teams in this race. We are the first team that has all the riders from China. Therefore, as a new team, other than competing with other great teams, our goals aims to promote cultural communications between the US and China. Right now our team is undergoing some reforms. For example, for this year and for the first time, we have our own professional coach. The additional of the coach greatly increase our confidence and definitely will help to improve our skills. However, our current team manager will leave soon due to her graduation in this coming December. In order to fill in her spot, we are now sincerely recruiting a manager. So if you are interested in biking, and you are confident in your management skills, you may be the person we are looking for. Prospective candidate with the following characteristics and skills would be highly appreciated and will be considered at the first priority.


1)Fluent English Speaking (Our team coach is American; a fluent English speaker will help a lot)
2)Good Management ability
3)Responsible, warm-hearted & proactive
4)Good Multitask Skills

Responsibilities (included but not limited to):

1)Assist our coach to host team meeting periodically
2)Serves as a communicator and coordinator between IU student foundation, Coach and the team
3)Setup time table and organize training session (associate our professional coach)
4)Attend each race or other related activities

Please be aware that this position is nonpaid and will consume a lot of your precious time.

But, you will gain a lot more out of it. Please feel free to send your information to the contact person below.
Bingbing Zhao
Phone: 812-606-6537,
Email: tiffany5719@gmail.com,
Wechat: bingbing5719

After all, we ride for honors!

责任编辑 Yalan Dong




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