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【IUCSSA】 IUB各大华人社团介绍!(Part1)

发表于 2016-7-14 18:02:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
新生们特别注意哦~今年8月份的Mass Meeting大部分的社团都将到场,同学们可以近距离了解各大社团的文化!

* IU Asian Basketball League (IU ABL)社团信息我们将会单独发出,尽情期待!



Ascend Indiana University Bloomington is founded in 2010, as the local chapter of Ascend, the premier nation-wide professional organization dedicated to enabling its members, business partners and the community to leverage the leaership and global business potential of Pan-Asians. ASCEND provides lifelong support to members career and personal growth, with events and programs benefiting undergraduate members and executive level alumni alike.

Indiana University Badminton Club


In the Badminton Club, you can easily find good players and friends to not only improve your badminton skills but build a social network as well. Because of limited resource, our badminton courts are only provided for the club members. So membership fee is required for every member and is 20 for IU for IU student &amp staff every semester. But do not worry, we will return this fee back when you purchased some badminton birds from our club and also it is free for the first time when you come to visit our club.
· Facebook page is here or to search group name: Indiana University Badminton Club in Facebook
· The Club website: here. You can leave me a message or contact me personally through Email: chenjial@umail.iu.edu or WeChat: Jialiang_Cheng3213。

Chinese Business Association


Chinese Business Association at Kelley School of Business (CBA) was established in 2000, founded by a group of young Chinese business major students. We are known as a family-feeling and warm organization, our members become friends and help each other to grow. At the same time, we devote to provide academic help, professional career preparation, and social life experiences, so that members in our organization are able to succeed both academically and professionally.  

We currently have 26 board members and 3 student advisors in six departments, including Academic department, Professional department, Human Resource department, Career department, Finance department and Marketing department.  

We have offered a variety of different events to all IU students. Academic course help sessions, including stock trading workshops and academic info sessions, focus on helping student’s academic work; Professional events, such as Professor Series, Super Friday for Kelley, interview experience sharing night, focus on building professional skills; and Social events for members to build relationships and have fun.

By exposing our members to a wide spectrum of opportunities and career resources, we believe that our members would be able to achieve both their academic and career goals, ultimately developing themselves as future business leaders.

D. Force


Hello! 我们是D.Force!一支受到学校官方认证,于2010年在iub成立最早的华人舞社。我们有着最老的资历,最多的登台表演次数,以及最广泛的舞种。至今我们已经帮助了200余名来自6个不同国家的舞者完成了他们的舞台梦想,成为了IU官网和IDS 报纸的头条常客。作为一个多元化的舞蹈社团,我们有美轮美奂的民族舞,唯美的古典芭蕾,抒情的现代舞,还有炫酷的Popping, Hip hop, Breaking, Jazz;舞社中的coach更是强者中的精英,舞蹈minor的学生,考取教师资格证的老师,获得全国比赛金奖的舞者。这样的专业态度和用心精神为舞社赢得了众多的合作机会和表演机会。我们曾代表中国留学生连续三次参加IU World’s fare, 表演中国民族舞,并成为第一个拿下第一名的中国舞团;同样,我们也连续两次受邀参加Hip Hop Connection,和五大湖地区的舞者们学习较量。只要你喜欢跳舞,想要跳舞,我们热情欢迎你的加入!




Kappa Gamma Delta Sorority


Kappa Gamma Delta is an Asian-interest Multicultural Greek sorority founded at Indiana University, Bloomington in 1997. Our sisters are dedicated to building a community established on academic excellence and activism through our philanthropy (Breast Cancer Research) and events hosted with various organizations.  

Kappa Gamma Delta provides women with the opportunity to create life-long bonds of sisterhood, while enhancing qualities such as leadership, discipline, and perseverance. Students of all backgrounds are warmly welcomed.  

Follow us on Facebook at ‘Kappa Gamma Delta: Alpha Chapter’ or check out our website for more information: http://www.indiana.edu/~kgd  

Kappa Eta Phi Professional Fraternity (KEP) 


ΚΗΦ is a unique professional fraternity at the Kelley School of Business with globally diverse members striving for Social, Academic and Professional Excellence. 

ΚΗΦ benefits members with an immediate and ongoing network of friends that share a desire for excellence. Benefits are driven through great social experiences, academic support and a foundation for outstanding professional career success. Uniquely, ΚΗΦ members represent a diversity of nationalities; this compares to most fraternities that are monolithic and primarily focus solely on fun. 
  Social Excellence is achieved through hangouts, mentor pairings and philanthropy. Hangouts are weekly casual events maybe at sporting events or just weekend breakfast. Mentorships include upperclassmen guiding freshmen through the challenges and opportunities at the University. And philanthropy is an opportunity to have fun and give back to the community. 

Academic Excellence is achieved through shared study rooms. In our shared study rooms each member can peer tutor others in their specific area of advanced understanding and get support and avoid frustration. 
  Professional Excellence is achieved through special presentations from members and guest experts and “welcome to my home” trips events. Special presentations are not only social, but also intellectually stimulating. Each member is responsible for at least one trip each year. A trip can be either as a visitor or a host, with students getting together at a holiday or vacation and become immersed in the local culture. For example, an American student might bring a few foreign students home for Thanksgiving. And a foreign student might host some American students in their country during a Spring Break. 

Employers are attracted to hire ΚΗΦ members who have demonstrated skills in leadership, teamwork, and developed exceptional business insights. 

We believe in developing global leaders with the drive and competency to create value across countries around the world. The way we create value is by utilizing our understanding of cultural and institutional differences along with our global connections to bridge people and resources in innovative ways. 

Find out how you can be involved by contacting us at kepalpha@gmail.comHYPERLINK "mailto:kepalpha@gmail.com", and we look forward to hearing from you! 


Yuan Lin




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