2011-05-14 17:14
PhD offer @ IUB of Geological Sciences
RA(taxable): $15,000/year
fee Scholarship(nontaxable): $25,500/annum
Departmental contribution for the first year: $1,000
但是offer里没提到免学费的事情,而且fee Scholarship里说是只cover了12hours/semester + 6hours in summer. "Our offer does not cover a $35/credit fee charge levied on all students, nor does it cover fee levied for student activities, health, and technology charges which amount to about $900/semester." "You will be eligible to apply for various departmental funds that can cover additional research costs, in addition to any research funds that you secure from outside sources."
请教:15,000 太少了貌似,学费免吗?加上其他消费,这些钱够吗?这个fee scholarship是不是钱到不了自己手上,只是用来抵消部分费用的等价数目?是不是说我只有15000的可支配收入?