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发表于 2014-11-9 20:46:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  •         印度传统节日庆祝之排灯节(Diwali)
想念CSSA举办的中秋晚会可是离下一次的春晚却还有漫长的等待? 不要急! 没有中国的传统佳节不如体验下其他国家的节日,足不出国也能体验到异国风情。这周五晚上7点,在IMU Alumni Hall,INDIAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION 将带来印度传统节日排灯节的庆祝。届时将会有机会体验正宗的印度佳肴以及缤纷绚丽的歌舞表演, 想去的同学请快快订票。

    2. 午间音乐时刻
由Jacob School of Music 推出午间音乐会系列再次闪亮登场。相比较上两次的高大上管弦乐团,这次推出了小清新的吉他合奏。 这周五正午12点,当阳光正好,坐在IU Art Museum 一楼的atrium,捧一杯暖暖的热巧克力,远离窗外的寒冷与喧嚣,静静的坐着听由十二位吉他手带来的或是古典或是流行的音乐。俗话说,人间难得几知己,没有什么能比音乐更懂你。

    3. 预告:IU 8th Annual Worlds’ Fare
下周四(11月13日),5:00 -8:00 PM, 第八届IU World’s Fare将会在IMU Alumni Hall如期举办。 上一次CSSA带来的精彩的表演拿下第一名,这次CSSA也会带来让众人眼前一亮的中国传统文化表演。 在学习的空余时间去看一看,走一走,了解其他国家的文化也不失为一种放松的方式,说不定到场还会有惊喜的发现。 IU World’s Fare ,你,值得一去。

    4. 教会你如何找到心爱的职业
IU Career Development Center将于本周三举行一系列讲座活动,帮助大家对于自己的职业规划有更好的认识以及培养。除了有用的信息外,还有免费食物以及T-shirt。以下是具体信息。
Wonder what we will be talking about? Here are the session topics:

Learn About Yourself, State Room West
Through a series of interactive activities, understand how your values, interests, personality and skills affect your major and career decisions.

Explore Your Options, Maple Room
Join a University Division academic advisor and two IU Peer Mentors to learn how to Explore Your Options at IUB so that by the end of your first year, you are ready to set some goals and lay out your plans for an academic major, minor, and certificate, plus co-curricular experiences to enhance your degree.

Get Involved, State Room East
Listen to current student leaders share their path to getting involved and how it is affecting their future.

Choose Your Career Path, Dogwood Room
Be inspired by industry professionals as they share their sometimes surprising career paths from college to now.

Use your myJobs account (at cdc.indiana.edu) to RSVP if possible, if not- just stop by!


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