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[2015]IU国际生救助奖学金(Eoyang-Lee Scholarship)申请开始

发表于 2015-1-22 16:46:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

印第安纳大学OIS的Eoyang-Lee奖学金,针对中国大陆学生,香港学生和台湾学生开放。申请截止日期为一月三十日,可用于2015春季学期的学费支出等。此项奖金适用于艺术人文专业(art and humanity)的学生, 主要以经济救助学生为主要目的。申请的同学需要有学校教职人员的推荐,详细情况请见:

Need-Based Scholarships
Generous alumni have created need-based scholarships for students who are from specific countries and who meet other criteria. The Office of International Services administers these scholarships. The scholarships are need-based, rather than merit-based (which means that they are awarded based on financial need, not on school performance). We are currently accepting applications for only the Eoyang-Lee Scholarship. Information about it is listed on the OIS website under the “Country-Specific Scholarships,” along with instructions on how to apply for it. Because of donor instructions, only students from China, Taiwan, or Hong Kong are eligible. The deadline for applying for this scholarships is January 30 and it will be distributed for the  spring 2015 semester.   (If you’ve already paid your bursar bill, it could lead to a partial refund.)
Please note the following about this scholarship:

  • It is need-based
  • It can vary in size. The amount will be determined based on your need against the total pool of applicants, as we wish to help as many students as possible.
  • We cannot review your application until your academic adviser or a staff or faculty member (whom you will name as part of your application) has provided a brief reference. You will need to follow-up with them to take quick action as we are on a firm deadline to place scholarships on the accounts of students who qualify.
Thanks, and best of luck if you choose to apply.

在此也祝大家元旦快乐!!充满元气的开始新的一年,也不要忘了小小的期待下即将来临的housing fair和重头大戏之春节联欢晚会。
Happy New Year!


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