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毕业出售 丰田凯美瑞LE (Toyota Camry LE)

发表于 2015-10-9 09:05:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
适合在Bloomington2-3年用车,基础费用低,贬值慢,维修/保养费用相对新车及其他如德系车便宜很多。油耗低,~25miles per gallon。车体大气,车内空间大,甚至可以放下床垫 (我用它搬了两次家)。前轮驱动,发动机有力,冬天雪地开很舒服。我可以帮你一起办所有所需手续。如果有兴趣请联系sunxing@indiana.edu
p.s.因图片太大不好上传,有兴趣请联系我我会邮件照片给你。 谢谢

Selling my 02 Toyota Camry LE with 164197 odometer as I'm graduating. The former owner told me she was the first owner. I had it for only one year and added less than 4000 miles (most highway miles) on it. powerful engine, huge inside space, electric driver seat, front wheel driving. Comes with a small mirror attaching to the side mirror on driver side to avoid blind spot. New starter, brake pads, rotors, wheel bearings. Does have some scratches on the front and corner of the back of the car and a bit chip at the front but affects nothing. Check engine light sometime is on sometime is off, I had Sear's, Midas, and my personal mechanic checked it and they said there is nothing need to be fixed. No need to worry about it. I'm not intended to sell it to someone looking for a fancy car. If you are looking for a CHEAP BUT NICE AND COMFORTABLE car for only a few years' usage, this is what you want; it's a gas saver, about 25 miles per gallon; its value drops slow as it is about to reach the bottom line, especially in a town like Bloomington.
Chinese students are especially welcomed to check out the car. If you don't want to spend too much but in need of a car, I'm willing to help you with all the process and problems.
Serious buyer only. Thanks.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-10-9 09:44:34 | 显示全部楼层


3850, 如果你有驾照可以找一个人少的地方试驾。如果没有的话很抱歉 只能我开车带你 如果有兴趣请邮件联系 。 我不常查帖子回复。谢谢  详情 回复 发表于 2015-10-12 00:49
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-12 00:49:34 | 显示全部楼层
ChangHui 发表于 2015-10-9 09:44

3850, 如果你有驾照可以找一个人少的地方试驾。如果没有的话很抱歉 只能我开车带你 如果有兴趣请邮件联系 sunxing@indiana.edu。 我不常查帖子回复。谢谢
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使用道具 举报

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