【IUCSSA】 Recruiting Season来啦!准备好了吗?
Kelley School of Business:
Career Fair:
1/27 All Business Career Fair
Bloomington Convention Center
Free Shuttles (Every 15 minutes)
Pick-up near the KSOB
1/22 Career Burst Training: Resume Review
HH 4026
Description: Come to Career Burst Training early to get your resumereviewed by a recruiter. This is the perfect way to guarantee that your resumeis in line with what recruiters want to see.
1/22 Career Burst Training: Career FairPrep
Description: Join Protiviti to learn how you can stand out at thisyear's career fairs. Career fairs kick-off the recruiting season so you want tomake your visit count! This session is just 30 minutes long, arrive on time!Dress is business casual.
1/22 Career Burst Training: Job SearchStrategy
Description: Searching for jobs and internships can feel like afull-time gig! Come to this session to learn tips and tricks for a successfulsearch. The fall and spring semesters each have their own quirks when it comesto searching. This session will help to set you up for success for your springsearch.
1/22 Career Burst Training: NetworkingLunch
Description: Lunch is on us while we give you tips and examples of howto network effectively. Our participating recruiting companies will be on handto answer your questions about how to have a conversation that counts. Space islimited for this session to sign up early! Dress is business casual.
1/22 Career Burst Training: Interview Prep
HH 4034
Description: Join representatives from Kohl's to learn the most importantways to prepare for an interview. This session is only 30 minutes long- soarrive on time! Dress is business casual.
School of Informatics and computing:
1/21 Resume and Cover Letter Workshop
Lindley, Rm. 101
Description: Come to this workshop to learnhow to develop an effective resume fromscratch or polish the one you already have. We'll also cover how to craft awell-written cover letter for your job and internship search.
1/22 Getting Ready for the Career Fair
Info East, Rm. 130
Description: Learn what to expect and howto best prepare for the SoIC Spring Career Fair, including developing anelevator pitch, making a good impression, and how to follow up on leads fromthe fair.
Spring Career Fair Week:
1/25 Extended Drop-In Advising Hours
09:00am-01:00pm, 03:00pm-05:00pm
Info East Lobby
Description:For Career Fair Week, Career Services Peer Advisors areextending resume review drop-in hours on Monday, January 25th from 9am-1pm and3pm-5pm. Check in for any SoIC Careers drop-in or scheduled appointments at theInfo East Lobby Kiosk. NOTE: Drop-in hours will NOT be offered on Tuesday,January 26th.
1/26 SoIC Spring Career Fair
Bloomington Convention Center
Description:The SoIC Spring Career Fair marks the beginning of thespring recruiting season for full-time and internship opportunities. A freeshuttle will run from 8th & Woodlawn to the Convention Center throughoutthe fair! Find the in-progress list of attending employers in SoIC Careers >Events > Career Fairs or on the SoIC website. NOTE: As as student, you doNOT need to register to attend the Career Fair.
1/27 Next Day Interviews
Indiana Memorial Union - Alumni Hall
Description:Next Day Interviews are an opportunity for you to interviewwith the employers you meet at the Career Fair. Sign up for interview slots atparticipating employers' career fair tables.
Information Sessions & Events:
1/25 General Motors
Kelley, Rm. HH3000
Description:Hear from General Motors representatives about opportunitiesin their IT Innovations. Food will be provided.
1/27 Cerner
Info East, Rm. 130
Description:Hear from Cerner representatives about their upcomingopportunities.
School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Callout meeting:
1/20Hoosier to Hoosier Callout meeting
First Floor Orange Lounge, SPEA
Description: Help organize something big!
1/20 Students for Equity in Public Affairs(SEPA) Organizational Meeting
School of Global & International Studies (Room 0001)
Description: SEPA is a new student organization which aims to improve the cultural climate andaddress diversity and inclusion at SPEA through research, recruitment and
retention, advocacy and action.
Groundbreaking Ceremonies:
1/26 Forward Together- GroundbreakingCeremonies
SPEA Tavis Smiley Atrium
Description: It is an afternoon of celebration
1/26 Groundbreaking Ceremony: The Paul H.O'Neill Graduate Center at SPEA
Description: Groundbreaking for the Paul H. O'Neill Graduate Center atthe Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs to be held atthe Indiana University Auditorium.
Parking is available in the Jordan AvenueParking Garage. Those already on campus are encouraged to walk to the event.
Recruitment Session:
1/26 Professional Development InternshipSpring 2016 Recruitment Sessions
SPEA Room 316
Description rofessional Development Internship Spring 2016 RecruitmentSessions
Department of Economics:
1/21 Designing a Simple Loss Function forthe Fed: Does the Dual Mandate Make Sense?
WY 005
Speaker: Jinill Kim Korea University and Board of Governors, FederalReserve System
1/22 Learning Spillovers in the Firm
WY 005
Speaker: Emily Nix Yale University
Yuan Lin