We are pleased to announce that we are holding the Chinese Pre-Arrival Orientation at Beijing. The orientation will start with introductions to our organizer and guest of the event - IUCSSA and IUAA, and then a presentation on IUB overview, such as IU history and academic and social environment, etc. Also, we are going to have an interactive lecture on the subject of IU life and career development. Towards the end of the event, there is a chance for students and parents to ask questions from the members of IUCSSA and IUAA. This is also a great networking opportunity for alumni to meet each other and build connections with other alumni in order to stay connected to the IU community.
In order to share experiences and knowledge about career development to the new students, we would like to invite you to the Pre-Arrival Orientation.
The alumini activities will be held at Daheng Scitech Mansion (9/F, South Section, 3 Suzhou St, Haidian, Beijing, China) start 4pm and will last around 2 hours on June 6th 2016 (Beijing time).
IUCSSA举办的见面会一律免费! 2016 IUCSSA 大陆新生见面会北京站 时间:6月4日 下午4点左右开始校友活动
2016 IUCSSA大陆新生见面会上海站时间:6月11日
在6月4日当天,我们会在下午先举行新生活动,新生见面会的新生部分结束后,下午4点左右, 将会有IUCSSA和 IUAA(Indiana University Alumni Association)举办新生见面会校友活动, 我们非常鼓励和欢迎广大IU校友们前来!在校友活动间,我们会有来自IU的校友为大家讲述IU的历史,以及在IU生活得方方面面,更有职业发展规划的建议。在讲座的最后会为大家提供networking的机会,认识遍布在全世界的IU校友们,掌握第一手资讯!IU的校友们,让我看见你们的双手!当然也欢迎新生以及新生家长留在现场多多参与校友活动!
有兴趣参加新生见面会的校友们,请扫一扫一下二维码/链接,或点击阅读原文,填写一个报名表 (新生是不用填写报名表的哟)。报名之后我们IUCSSA会联系您。
责任编辑: Huidan Zheng 文案编辑: Huidan Zheng