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发表于 2016-7-14 01:05:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

是印第安纳大学最大和最古老的校园。这里是印第安纳大学凯利商学院、印第安纳大学雅各布斯音音乐学院、印第安纳大学摩利尔法学院及印第安纳大学教育学院、公共卫生生学院、信息学和计算机学院、视光学学院及公共与环境事务学院的主校区。另外,主校区内的文理学院下还设 70 个学位授予学院、院系及各种课程。印第安纳大学布卢明顿分校设有超过550个学术项目,以及200多个大学本科专业选择。今年春季,入学的新生人数达到 38,364 名,他们来自自 117 个国家和全美 50 个州中的 49 个州。


Jacobs School of Music

位于印第安那大学布鲁明顿校区, 为世界顶级音乐学院之一, 设有研究所与大学部。多于一千六百名学生于此就读, 其中过半数为大学部学生。学院提供钢琴, 大提琴, 爵士乐, 作曲, 芭蕾, 录音艺术, 教育(声乐, 弦乐, 管乐)等专业。印第安那大学音乐学院的很多专业被列为美国第一, 学生们亦曾获得多项殊荣。

入学程序:音乐学院的入学程序包括试听,有兴趣入学的学生需要在教职员代表前表演两至三首乐曲。其中, 声乐专业与钢琴专业学生第一轮入学程序为提供光盘或盒式磁带, 通过后才能进入试听阶段。通常大学部录取率为25%, 研究所录取率为30%。

每学期大部分学生都需要参加一次合奏。某些专业的学生需要参加特定的合奏。此外, 学院内有十三支合唱团, 八支乐队, 七支管弦乐队。

印第安那大学音乐学院师资优良, 全院有超过一百七十名全职教职员, 同时许多世界顶尖之音学家与学者会来此进行交流。音乐学院亦拥有多种设施, 包括五座大楼, 拥有多于一百七十间练习房。


•      叶咏诗- 中国及⾹香港著名⼥女指挥家
•      约夏·⼤大卫·贝尔(Joshua David Bell) - 美国⼩小提琴家,曾获得葛莱美奖
•      约翰克莱顿 (JohnClayton) – 美国⼤大贝斯⼿手,曾获得葛莱美奖
•      ⽪皮特·厄斯⾦金 (PeterErskine)- 爵⼠士⿎鼓⼿手与作曲家
•      霍依基·卡迈克尔(Hoagy Carmichael) –美国作曲家与演员,著名歌曲”Stardust”,“Georgia on MyMind”与”Heart and Soul”均为其创作

Step 1: Complete anApplication There is a $145 application fee and the deadline for completingthe application is December 1, 2015 for Fall 2016 admission.Applications received after that date will be accepted on a case-by-casebasis depending on space availability.
Step 2: Send supportingmaterials to IU Office of International Admissions
The minimum TOEFLresult required for the bachelor's degree program is a paper-based score of560, a computer-based minimum of 223, and an internet-based minimum of 84.There are no exceptions to these requirements.
Step 4: Request Letter(s) of Recommendation
Step 5: Complete the Pre-screening, Audition, andInterview process
更多详细信息,请登录Jacobs School of Music官网查询。

Kelley School of Business

Kelly School of Business成⽴立于1920年,拥有全美知名的教授,美国商业周刊Business Week评定其本科商学教学质量为 A级,Princeton Review的最佳课堂体验中也将其评为全美第⼀一位。凯利商学院之所以能成为美国商学院的翘楚,除了提供完美的教学之外,学校还擅⻓长利⽤用商界关系和资源为学⽣生提供多种不同的实践机会,并且提供⾃自己学生多种不同的⻅见习机会,这⼀点在大学中的会计学专业中尤为明显。凯利商学院的录取总分为两种,第一种是direct admit(直录),另⼀种是进校后申请。

这个是在⼤大家申请本科的时候会有一个专业的选项,如果大家填了商学院的话,是需要另外填⼀一份商学院的申请。以下是最新的直录要求(摘⾃自Kelley 商学院官网):
-         Apply to Indiana University, beginning August 1, thefall of your senior year of high school. November 1 is IU’s priority date foradmission and the deadline for maximum scholarship consideration.
-         You will automatically beoffered direct admission to the Bloomington Kelley School of Business for fall2016 if you have met all criteria below:
  • Been admitted to IU Bloomingtonand indicated one of Kelley’s business majors as your intended major.
  • Earned a composite ACT score of30 or SAT total score of 1270 (we include only math and critical readingsections on SAT). The Kelley School of Business accepts superscores for boththe ACT and SAT.
  • Earned a cumulative GPA of 3.8on a 4.0 scale during your high school career. We will use the highest GPA thatis sent to IU Admissions from your official high school transcript. In mostcases this is the weighted GPA.  
-         Onceyou have been admitted to Indiana University, and you qualify for directadmission, you will receive notification of your direct admission within six toeight weeks


  • Completion of a minimum of 26 hours of collegecourse work. For most students, this will require two semesters on the IUBloomington campus.
  • Consistent B performance across all courses.Note that a B– does not meet this requirement. The admissions committee reviewsgrades in all courses, not just business courses.
  • Graded courses that are taken for pass/failweaken an applicant’s application. The Kelley Admissions Committee willconsider any graded course that is taken pass/fail as a grade of B- or lower.
  • A demonstrated commitment to course load.Students with no W's in course work have stronger applications.
  • Completion of at least 12 credit hours from thefollowing courses on the IU Bloomington campus:
BUS-K 201 or BUS-K 303
Choose one additional option from this list:ENG-W 131*, BUS-C 104, BUS-C 204, BUS-L 201, or BUS-G202 AND BUS-D270
Choose two additional options from this list:BUS-A 201, BUS-A 202, ECON-E 201, ECON-E 202, MATH-M 118*, MATH-M 119*, ECON-E370*, OR BUS-A 100 AND BUS-G 202

School of Public and Environmental Affairs

公共环境事务学院是印第安纳大学一所包含多学科的学院。该学院是一所专业性学院,致⼒力于教学、研究及服务。学院全体专业化教职员的研究领域包括:政策及管理(Public Policy and Management);国际事务(International Affairs);财政经济(Public Finance);非营利性管理(Non-ProfitManagement);城市事务(Urban Affairs);环境科学及政策(Environmental
Science andManagement);刑事司法(Criminal Justice)、法律及公共安全(Law and Public Safety);健康学及管理(Health Science and Management)。学院全体教职员及学⽣生的研究采⽤用独⽴立或合作研究的形式,并基于公共环境事务学院独特的在自然科学、⾏行为科学、社会科学及管理科学等领域的深⼊入的综合性知识。公共环境事务学院的录取总分为两种,第一种是 direct admit(直录),另一种是进校后申请。

Direct Admit:这个是在大家申请本科的时候会有一个专业的选项,如果大家填了该学院的话,是需要另外填⼀份学院的申请。以下是最新的直录要求(摘⾃SPEA学院官网):
High achievinghigh school students who are admitted to IU with a SPEA major are reviewed forDirect Admission to SPEA on a case-by-case basis. Competitive students forDirect Admission will have a minimum high school GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale anda minimum SAT score of 1220 (Critical Reading and Math only) or ACT score of27. For fall 2015, the average SPEA Direct Admit had a high school GPA of 3.83and an SAT score of 1304.

When makingadmissions decisions, the SPEA Admissions Committee reviews each application,including your professional statement, looking for strong and consistentacademic performance. We take into consideration factors such as your IU gradetrends and patterns, cumulative GPA, admission course GPA,and application semesterGPA.

Admissions Requirements
Theserequirements are different for Arts Management and Law and Public Policy—seebelow.You will beconsidered for admission if you meet all of the following requirements, butmeeting these requirements does not guarantee admission: You should havecompleted 26 credit hours and a maximum of 75 credit hours with a minimum 2.300(C+) cumulative grade point average and completed a core or major course with aC grade or better. For all admissions applications received on after May 2,2014, you must have completed both the IUB General Education EnglishComposition and Mathematical Modeling requirements with a C- or higher.
•      ArtsManagement Admission Requirements
You should havecompleted 26 credit hours and a maximum of 75 credit hours with a minimum 2.700(B-) cumulative grade point average and completed (with a grade of C or better)the following SPEA introductory course: SPEA-A 163 Art Worlds: Management,Markets, and Policy. For all admissions applications received on after May 2,2014, you must have completed both the IUB General Education EnglishComposition and Mathematical Modeling requirements with a C- or higher.
•      Lawand Public Policy Admission Requirements
You should havecompleted 26 credit hours and a maximum of 75 credit hours with a minimum 2.700(B-) cumulative grade point average and completed (with a grade of C or better)a core or major course. For all admissions applications received on after May2, 2014, you must have completed both the IUB General Education EnglishComposition and Mathematical Modeling requirements with a C- or higher.

School of Public Health

公共卫生学院,顾名思义,该学院的专业⻔下的专业多数于健康有关,比如Safety Management, Athletic Training,Health Fitness Specialist, Nutrition Science, Outdoor Recreations, Parks, andHuman Ecology。还有近年热门起来的Sport Marketing and Management也属于该学院, IU 的Tourism, hospitality and Event Management(酒店管理也是热门的专业之一。每个专业的申请要求不同,详见School of Public Health官网。


Yuan Lin



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