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发表于 2016-10-31 21:34:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【IUCSSA】CDA | Newsletter 求职季重磅干货:四大面试攻略+职位招聘信息(含内推)                     

以及most common interview questions,
Go Hoosiers!

结尾还有重磅惊喜, 不容错过!!!

Step 1: How do you differentiate yourself from others?

Understanding yourself and the companies.

公司在面试你的同时,你也在面试公司,美国四大都有各自不同的文化特点。EY的工作氛围相对和谐,公司注重人文。PwC 是比较倾向于吸收精英的一个公司,他们录的国际学生普遍 GPA 都要比其他公司录的国际学生高,Deloitte非常的严谨,工作氛围也相对较严肃。KPMG 是四大公司中最小的,但其综合了三家的特点.

第一印象非常重要,schmoozing的过程,大概在正式面试前的2-3分钟。关于schmoozing有一些小细节需要注意,比如onsite interview的时候,面试官和你站起来握手要等他坐下来之后,你才能坐下。坐姿尽量身体前倾,面带微笑,这样表现会显得更positive。Eye contact的时候最好盯在对方鼻子附近,这个角度会显得比较善于倾听。 schmoozing的要点在于在最短的时间里给面试官一个impression,并初步显示出自己的personality。

在Behavioral interview中, 充分理解面试官的问题后再开始作答。当回答Behavioral questions时使用STAR(Situation, Task, Actions, and Results)的方法。

Step 2: Practice those top Interview Questions asked by the Big Four

The interview questions of PwC
PWC really, really, really likes competency interview questions.

Below are all the questions that candidates (and PWC itself) says it likes to ask:

1.     Tell me about a time you had to correct someone’s mistake
2.     What do you think this role involves?
3.     Describe a time when you had to improve a piece of work after criticism?
4.     What have you read about PWC in the news?
5.     Can you describe a time when you have worked in a team to deliver a piece of work? – What was your role in the team? What did you do exactly?
6.     Describe a time when you’ve successfully managed a project for example coursework or organising an event. What challenges did you overcome? Who supported you? What was the outcome?
7.     Can you tell me about a piece of recent financial news you’ve read? Why did you find it interesting?
8.     Give an example of a time you failed to accomplish something.
9.     Give an example of a time you built a relationship.
10.  Why audit?

Check it out when you prepare for interview of PwC   

The company lists the competencies it works for here.

What skills we look for http://www.pwc.co.uk/careers/stu ... w_competencies.html

PwC also provides a few transcripts of past interview questions and answers here.

The interview questions of Deloitte

Much like PWC, Deloitte loves competency interviews.
You can check the link we list below to learn more about what specific competencies Deloitte is looking for. Be prepared to answer very detailed questions about times you’ve demonstrated these competencies in the past.

Below are the questions that previous candidates and Deloitte itself say you should expect in an interview with the firm. Brainteasers appear to crop up from time to time.
1.     Describe your role in a piece of work you’re particularly proud of.
2.     Describe a time you collaborated with others to achieve a goal.
3.     Give me an example of when you have dealt with a difficult character
4.     How would people describe you in three words?
5.     Why Deloitte?
6.     Why audit?
7.     Talk me through a long term project you’ve been involved in.
8.     Why did you study a university degree if you want to work in accountancy?
9.     What’s good about you?
10.  Describe a time you defended a friend.

Check it out when you prepare for interview of Deloitte
Deloitte’s seven key competencies

The interview questions of EY

Finally, EY has those ‘strengths’ interviews.

Strengths interviews are all about finding out your interests and what you’re good at. The interviewer wants to know what you’re really like. In recruiter parlance, they want to know your ‘authentic self.’
To this end, candidates and the firm itself say you should expect the following questions when you interview at EY.
1. What are you good at?
2. What do you most enjoy studying?
3. What gives you a buzz?
4. Are you a starter or a finisher?
5. Are you into big picture or detail?
6. Describe a successful day you had recently.
7. What do you love doing in your spare time?
8. When are you happiest?
9. When you do you feel most like yourself?
10. Do you find there are enough hours in the day?

Check it out when you prepare for interview of E&Y

What we look for

Step 3: In the end , 四大的面试到底在考核什么?
面试到底在考核什么呢,不管这个面试是很死板的只问你 Behavioral question,或者是很多Flexible的问题,甚至是让你来问问题,他核心内容考核的永远不是你的 Answer 有多么完美,而在交流的过程中能够让他感受到你的 Personality,判断你是否可以和他们一起工作,一起 Team work 。

四大的工作有时候压力非常的大,他们最不希望看到的情况是 Team 里面有一个不喜欢和他们工作的人在里面,会让他们觉得烦上加烦,这个是美国人最看重的一点。所以四大的面试的 Focus 在你是否适合和我一起工作,或者说面试官在和你交谈的过程中是否喜欢你,是不是想要把你收进他的 Team 里来工作。


【CDA内推】      中信建投证券[研究发展部]——机构销售助理实习生 2.jpg

1人 岗位描述1.参与对分管的私募公司提供相关的研究服务工作;2.具体负责与私募公司相关人员的日常联系,发送相关资讯;3.参与组织和安排与公司以及公司相关部门举办的各种调研、服务活动等;4.负责跟踪、收集和整理所分管的公司的相关情报和信息; 岗位要求1.重点院校在读研究生,金融专业在读或者具有相关专业背景;2.有券商实习经验者优先;3.保证每周至少实习3天,实习期至少3个月;4.具有较强的沟通能力和文字表达能力; 实习说明1.工作地点北京朝阳门凯恒中心; 2.无实习津贴,提供午餐晚餐;3.长期实习及表现优秀者有留用机会,2018年及以后毕业; 应聘方式有意向者,请后台回复[CDA]获取
还有更多:联想总部-商务运营助理实习 福利待遇 早餐和午餐均可在公司食堂吃饭,午餐有清真区,公司大厦里有便利店、健身房、乒乓球桌、台球桌、攀岩壁。   罗德公关-北京-实习生招收方向Auto汽车、Lifestyle生活 方式、Corporate 企业传播组,数字传播组 具体详情会在9.26(下周一)CDA举办的Workshop中放出,请大家敬请期待!
责任编辑:Bojian Zhang
海报编辑:Tingge Guo




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