2008-12-31 05:52
I'm a new student, male. Do you want to share a 2bedroom of redbud apartment with me? I want to leave at the end of Spring semester (May 16). No air conditioner, no furniture. see the following. leave your email with reply.
Redbud 为一建筑群,均为两人卧室房,但房间为一大一小,大房间为小房间的1.5
1. 设施设备
• 内设洗衣房
• 电脑房和咨询总台设置于Evermann,距Redbud 两分钟路程。
2. 2007-2008 房租
• 房租包括所有的Water,Heat,Local phone service,Basic TV cable,High
speed Internet access.
• 2 Bedroom Unfurnished $628 ($314)
3. 提示
• Redbud 是学校公寓房里房租最便宜的一个,不过提醒您在入住之前务必和