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[2009]Sale: furnitures + electronics

发表于 2013-4-24 14:00:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

2009-02-06 07:12

Cabinet: like new, solid wood, cherry color, $350
Queen Size Bed Frame:like new, solid wood, cherry color, $250
Dresser with mirror: like new, solid wood, cherry color, $450
Potty and Step Stool, $8
Evenflo Top of Stair Gate, Brand New, Never used, $18
CD Rack, $10
Folding Shopping Wheeled Cart, $15
Shredder, Brand: Identity Guard, 6 sheet Limit, $8
Warmrails heated towel rack, like new, still with tags, $25
Wall Clock, $10
Decoration flower, $15
Gevalia Coffer Maker, $12
Cordless phone with speaker option, $5
Safety 1st Baby monitor,pager size,rechargable,900MHz,in Retail Box,$12
ReliOn UltraSonic Humidifier, $20
CR2032 Lithium Cell Button Battery,$1, for Garage Door Remote, Watches, Calculators, PDA
Nursing Pillow, in great condition, $15

See pictures at http://www.bubbleshare.com/album/534546/overview



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